Gate valves
LCT type wedge gate valve This forged body gate valve is manufactured according to API 602 Standard, with up to 50 mm nominal size, for wide pressure-, and temperature range. The design is of rising stem with non-rising handwheel. The seat rings pressed into the body and the gate is welded with Stellite 6 for the purposes of excellent wearing resistance. The packing of the stuffing box is graphite (or Teflon) rings, which can be replaced during operation as well in the uppermost position of the stem. The sealing of the bonnet is highly flexible spiral wound gasket. For higher pressures the sealing is made of stainless steel ring. Dimension range: DN 10 - 50 / NPS 3/8" - 2" Main features:
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LRT type wedge gate valve This casted body gate valve with flexible closing element is manufactured according to API 600 Standard for wide pressure-, and temperature ranges. The design is rising stem with non-rising handwheel. The seat rings are welded or renewable threaded designs. The seat rings and wedge sealing surfaces is welded with Stellite 6 for the purposes of excellent wearing resistance. The packing of the stuffing box is graphite (or Teflon) rings, which can be replaced during operation as well in the uppermost position of the stem. The sealing of the bonnet is highly flexible spiral wound gasket. For higher pressures the sealing is made of stainless steel ring. Dimension range: DN 50 - 200 / NPS 2" - 8" Main features:
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LPT type parallel gate valve According to API 6D Standard, it is made with casted body, parallel closing element gate valve with soft sealing rings. The design is of rising stem with non-rising handwheel. The gate formed split closing element ensures tight closure and low actuating torque. The gate valve has low flow loss as it makes provide turbulence-free flow stream. The gate is supplied with hard chrome or nickel for the purpose of excellent wearing resistance. Dimension range: DN 10 - 150 / NPS 2" - 6" Main features:
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LEKT típusú kétékes tolózár Speciális, kettős ékes éktolózár magas hőmérsékletekre és nagy üzemi hőmérséklet különbségekre. A záró ék belsejében lévő kisebb, nem önzáró feszítő ék biztosítja a könnyű nyitást és a befeszülésmentes működést nagy hőmérséklet különbségek esetén is. A záró ék mozgását alul ütköző határolja. Emelkedő orsós kivitel, nem emelkedő kézi kerékkel. Mérettartomány: DN 150 - 400 / NPS 6" - 16" Fő jellemzők:
Kiviteli variációk:
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